Sunday, April 12, 2015

Another week.

This week has been a long one and very busy. My grandma is really sick and we are not sure how much more time she has left so we have been visiting her almost every day and going all over the place getting stuff done to help out. Mike’s truck got here on Monday and it couldn’t have come at a better time, now that my grandma is really sick we have been taking my mom over there several times a day sometimes and doing favors for my uncles and aunts. Mike has been very busy driving all of us around and is being pretty aggressive at driving which is what is needed here in Gutemala. He hasn’t driven downtown yet, but I’m sure he will soon. I don’t think I’ll be driving anytime soon though. Traffic is crazy here haha. My mom is having a hard time and I wish she already had the knowledge about the plan of salvation. I’m so grateful I do and I can share with them even if it is a little bit at a time. My grandma is one of my heroes, she is such a humble, caring, loving person that I can’t imagine never to see her again. I’m so grateful heavenly father gave us the plan of salvation so that I can be with this amazing women someday again. I will surely miss her when she is gone though. Since we got here it has been a little hard to get on a schedule. We all wake up at different times and do different things to start our day but today we sat down all together and made a better schedule so hopefully it will be easier. All of my nieces and nephews have been asking us to let them do scriptures and prayers with us, we were so happy when they asked! They are even asking before we are ready to do it if it is time yet. This week 3 of them said the prayer. One night we all got on our knees and only 1 of my nephews did the same thing so Layla told him “muy bien” (good job) and got everyone else to get on their knees too!

Colton is getting chubbier every day and now he says papa (dad). He said it like 20 times before Mike even heard him say it (it made me very happy as I was hoping Mike will hear him say mama first haha). He did say mama one time though!!!!!! We can’t hide any food from him now, he wants everything he sees people eating and will climb all over them to get it if needed haha. He is so smart that whenever he is crawling on the floor and then goes out in the patio he lifts up his knees and crawls only with his hands and feet so he won’t scratch his knees…. I love him so much!

Layla loves to be popular and the center of attention. She has fallen off the back of the truck a couple of times (not when it is moving) so she isn’t allowed to ride in the back when we go into town. She was really excited to see her bed and toy kitchen when the truck got here. We got her kitchen all set up and at least 1 different kid was playing with it all day long. She gave her first talk in primary today and she did great! Her Spanish was very clear to understand and had no problem standing in front of everybody. Everytime she goes to brush her teeth she likes to stand on the toilet to get to the sink, I have always tell her not to do that but Layla is Layla… so a couple of days ago she fell down and she hit her tooth on the toilet and now its loose…. Maybe she will understand now why I told her not to do it?????

Xavion keeps learning Spanish, I told him no more English from me to him so he asks how to say something before he talks to me which is great. He also gave a talk in church today and was very nervous but did awesome as well. They both with Layla now know the first 8 articles of faith!!!! I have very smart kids!!!! Xavion’s way to tell that Layla had a loose tooth was “Layla got a movelly tooth” lol. 

This is what Colton does every single morning. He stands by the window for a while just talking to himself. 

This is Mike's truck from pretty much every time we go out, except when we go to church haha. 

  this is how many people we fit inside the truck, we couldn't get everybody in the pic but there were 3 adults and 6 kids!

we hiked this place a couple of days ago. we went to play at a soccer field that is located at the top of a hill. it was pretty fun.

we are pretty much in charge of all this kids everytime we go out, it's good practice for me to have more haha. 

Colton laying on the grass close to the river enjoying his bottle. 

kids being kids.

A trip to the ruins, it was a lot of fun, 2 of my nieces and 1 of my nephews had never been there so we took them with us, they were very exited.

these people were doing their rituals, praying to their mayan God. 

Colton says hi

This is the view from behind the house

and from the top of the hill

Mike sad he fell down while coming down the hill.... what a baby haha

Just us trying to take a pic with our good cow friend... 

Colton eating oranges for the first time, he loved them he ate a whole one.

My headache didnt end when we left mom and dad's house, he is still climbing the stairs and is really good at it. the other day i thought he left with mike and then i hear him go papa papa papa and he was sitting right in the middle of the top stair ready to go down....

this is our fruit guy.... he comes every Wednesday to sell different kind of fruits so we wait for him very excited haha

This is my brother's house where we are staying, its 3 rooms but we only use 2 of them.

This is the PILA where we wash our clothes and dishes...

My beloved grandma, i love her so much. She is one of my inspirations to become a better woman.

Some pics we got on Easter Sunday, Colton was too busy trying to eat the eggs. 

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