Monday, April 20, 2015


Hi everybody, here I am again. It seems to me that this week has been super long… a lot of different feelings have come together and some have been hard for me to overcome. My grandma is still hanging in there. Some days she seems to feel better but some days we don’t think she would make it to the end of the day. The doctor wanted her to stay in the hospital for about 7 days but it was a lot of money that our family couldn’t come up with so her kids decided to keep her home and wait for whatever God’s will is.  We really wanted her to go to the hospital to see if she could get better but it wasn’t possible so we will see what happens with her. It’s really hard to see her suffer. My grandpa is also making things a little worse because he wants her not to be sick and he is completely blind so he has a hard time not being able to help in anything. We had a busy week trying to get some paper work done. It is insane how difficult it is to get things done here, Mike gets frustrated some times and his question is always “why do they do that, that’s dumb” my answer is always “I don’t know” lol….. On the other hand we have had a good missionary week, 2 of my nephews and 3 of my nieces have been asking us if they can pray and read scriptures with us, sometimes they asks us if it is time yet before we are ready to do it. They have prayed and share stories of the bible they know.  Today they went to church with us and they asked me if I could give them a book of Mormon!!!! They say they really like it and a couple of times they have said “I want to be Mormon.” today they had many many questions for me about the church and I was very happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge. One great thing that happened yesterday was one of my cousins got baptized in the church the bad thing was he didn’t let us know. He is super super shy and so I found out by one of my friends that he got confirmed today. I had seen my cousin in church a couple of times before because he goes to the ward that starts after we are done so on Friday I talked to him about how he liked it he answered me but didn’t mention anything about his baptism. Oh well the good thing is he got baptized! Mike got stomach problems on Friday… we decided to take my aunt out to lunch since it was her birthday and we ate at a new place and mike’s stomach didn’t like the food. Thank goodness he is fine now! Mike was also brave enough to drive into downtown, its crazy there seriously I’ll probably never drive here haha but mike did and good thing he did it because we have been needing to go there very often. 

Colton is having a hard time not getting excited about waking up at 5-530am…. He wakes up with so much energy and just wants to be out the door. As soon as we go out he crawls all over the house but what he loves to do is chase the chickens and watch them eat, he gets so exited I’m afraid he is going to grab one and squeeze it lol. He keeps eating so much he is getting so big. He loves food and has started to refuse formula I’ve had to mix it with other stuff so that he drinks it. He really only drinks 2 bottles a day now. His 2 teeth are completely out and so now when he grabs my cheek I can really feel it so I’m trying to teach him not to bite. He has fallen so much I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten a bump, sometimes he falls so hard but only cries for a few seconds and stops, everybody says he is a very strong baby. He is going all over the place and still putting everything in his mouth, a couple of times I’ve taken chicken poop out of his hand right before it goes in his mouth ewwww. He looooooves oranges I think its his new favorite fruit!. He says papa very clear and ay ay ay ay ay when he cries haha. 

Layla keeps getting better and better at speaking Spanish. She prays in Spanish and even tells in depth stories in Spanish (even though we can only understand a little when she gets going lol). The other day one of mike’s students came by the house and she started speaking English with Layla to practice. Layla would only answer her in Spanish haha. She is now working on her math and is doing a really good job. Her behavior is improving little by little. We had to create a poster with stickers to motivate her to be better because it was getting out of hand. Everywhere we go she is a big hit haha. So many people ask to take picture with them and she likes to be so popular. At church there is a sister missionary from Gilbert Arizona so Layla has really enjoy to hang out with her at church. She also wake up with so much energy, between her and Colton I’m not getting any younger lol. 

Xavion keeps trying to speak Spanish, he gets frustrated when I shout español when he starts telling me something, I tell him I know its not fun but he needs to try or he won’t learn. He doesn’t like people touching his hair anymore, everybody touches it and he is got to his limit haha. He is also doing really well with his math, he is now doing 2 digit sums and is getting it fast. He has fallen a lot of times as well and he has scratches all over his face. I’m glad I don’t have to report nothing anymore to CPS or I would be in trouble haha. Xavion and Colton have gotten very close, Colton loves playing with him and he is always laughing when he is with Xavion. Xavion is a great big brother.

I love playing Peek a boo with this boy, he gives me the best reactions... proof down below

I love this picture, we were trying to get a pic of his teeth and just couldnt but instead Mike got this picture that melts my heart.

Trying out lime for the first time. 

At church they have a nursery just for babies, a couple of weeks ago they took Colton away from us but i didnt want him to go. I know nursery starts when they are 18 months so i wasnt ready to leave him. A sister just came and took him away from Mike, in my heart i was hoping he would cry a lot so he could come back to me. Guess what??? he did!!!! lol
This last Sunday i was asked to help in nursery so i had Colton and this other boy in there. Colton was so exited to play with this kid that he was climbing all over him and the boy was so scared and would just cry while Colton was the happiest little boy. The little boy is almost 1 and Colton was stronger than him so he was probably scared of him haha. I had to take Colton out of the crib so the other boy could stay calm.

Just a couple of nights ago i came in the room and i only had a lamp on. I looked in the crib and did not see Colton i was so scared for a minute. Just seconds after Mike said he is right at the corner, i was scared too until i saw him.

The Barney brothers!

...... and their sister

Kids wanted to play dress up, good thing we had sent all of these costumes in the box. There are so many kids here though that we probably wont have enough to  give everybody for Halloween.

One of Mike's first works as an aspiring photographer.

This is all for this week. We hope you are all happy and fat back home haha. We love you and miss you all. 

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