Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Happy Easter!!!

HAPPY EASTER everybody! We hope you all had a great time with your family and friends. Easter here is very different, but we had a great time. It actually amazes me how some things feel so new to me even though I grew up with them. Starting last Friday to Tuesday everybody makes bread. I think every day we made 50-75 pounds of bread. All week we had activities going on for the kids. Monday we had crazy hair day, Tuesday we did an egg hunt and the kids loved it. Wednesday we colored and decorated eggs and Thursday the kids asked to do another egg hunt so we did it again. Wednesday was also a tamales day! Layla asked all day long about when the tamales would be ready to eat them. She couldn’t wait anymore. I tried to convince Mike that he had to try them but he refused. He has tried them before. Tamales are just not his thing. We also made a type of fruity honey. It was super yummy. That same night was also a serenade night. Different bands were playing romantic music downtown. We had planned to go but we had left the kids all morning with my mom trying to get some stuff done and we felt bad leaving her with them again so we decided to stay home. Mike serenaded me with his guitar and angelic voice here at home anyways haha. Easter here is pretty big for Catholics, they do processions like 3 days during the week. My brother took us to the city to go see one of the processions and streets that were all decorated so that the processions can walk on it. Some of them were pretty neat. When the procession was passing by us Layla started hiding because she was scared that the people who kill Jesus were going to do something to us as well. She is pretty cute! We are wanting to teach English classes while we are here. Mike already gave his first lessons and he really enjoyed it. Hopefully the students enjoy it as well. We have another couple from our ward that will probably start pretty soon as well. The weather here is nice. It gets hot sometimes but when we think about the heat in Arizona it feels awesome to be here haha. We are all adjusting pretty well… my only complaint is having to wash so much clothes by hand. My nails broke so badly one of my nails was bleeding that I couldn’t wash clothes for a weekL. My grandma has been really sick so I’ve had extra stuff to do while my mom goes to help her. One thing I absolutely hate to do is wash so many dishes haha.

Colton keeps eating and eating and eating just like me haha. He can now eat a whole tortilla and a bottle right after. Everybody thinks it’s funny that he starts whining on the clock for his food but they think it’s awesome as well because he is trained. He is loving the free space… he loves to crawl everywhere and is really trying to walk now. People are always wanting to hold him. He goes everywhere in his walker and always want to play with the water. He climbs up everything… he scares me. He wakes up every morning between 5:45-6 and won’t go back to sleep anymore…as soon as he wakes up and eats he starts pulling my blanket or hitting me on my face so that I get him out of his crib. He loves to stand up by the window and after a while he just wants to go out of the room.

 Layla has had a hard week. Most of my cousin’s kids are very disobedient and do whatever they please so Layla thinks she can do the same thing. She has spent a lot of time in time out and some stuff has been taken away from her but it has been just a small progress.  She cries for absolutely everything it’s pretty frustrating. A lot of people here want to treat her like a baby and this isn’t helping, the other day I even saw one of my nieces feeding her lunch and Layla was loving it….We hope that soon she will realize that she still needs to obey even if everybody doesn’t. Her Spanish is amazing. I can’t say anything to people anymore without her understanding what I’m saying. She does some pretty funny things though. Layla and Xavion have been sharing a bed because her bed isn’t here yet so she likes to sleep half way down from the top of her bed. The other day all the blankets were covering her because Xavion pulled the blankets up. In the middle of the night I hear her screaming “open the door, let me out, I can’t see anything” Xavion goes Layla be quite… Layla “I’m screaming because nobody is letting me go out” she was stuck inside all the blankets and couldn’t get out haha.

 Xavion is having so much fun with everybody especially the animals. Sometimes he is just staring at the chickens to see how they eat. He is having a hard time with Spanish but is trying a lot more now. We decided we won’t put him in school here yet because with his little Spanish he would probably have a hard time. He isn’t supposed to be in kindergarten until August anyways so I’m teaching them some stuff at home. They both are very smart. He is always sharing with everyone else and helping them out. He learned fast that here every time you see someone for the first time in the day you give them a hug and a kiss so the other day we ordered pizza and when the guy came to deliver it he threw himself at him to give him a hug lol. There is a little girl here who really likes him and she always wants to kiss his cheeck but he is always trying to avoid her as we told him he can’t kiss girls haha. Good boy!
Colton trying out a sombrero... he didn't like it haha

My nephew bought a popsicle for Colton and after giving him a taste he wouldn't let go... he ate it all

I usually have to give something to Colton to entertain him while we ate because he has already eaten and he wont let us eat because he wants more so... this time it was a bone with a tiny bit of salt.. he really really like it haha. (do you see his cool hair style!!!)

This is how Colton ends up pretty much every day from crawling all over...

Colton's favorite bucket of water.... he could spend all day playing with water
Spending some time with grandpa... he sat there nearly an hour!!!

This are some of the carpets people creates on the streets so the processions can walk on it on Easter

Mike enjoying some bread and honey... the honey has a bunch of different fruits in it... some of them are papaya, bananas, sweet potato, peaches....

Mikes favorite fruit.. its call granadilla, it looks pretty nasty but its actually really yummy

Egg hunt with everybody, they really like it...

Playing "loteria" its a game kind of like bingo but instead of numbers we use pictures.
 This is how my nails look now, you can still see a little bit of blood on my nail in my middle finger. it really hurt but its better now!

we hope everybody had a great Easter. We love you and miss you all.


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