Sunday, September 11, 2016

It's been a little while...

Our days seem to be so full all the time. Mike has been pretty busy doing homework every day and giving English classes. He is back in school now and this makes me feel stressed. I have to run every morning to take kids to school and just that makes me very tired. When I see Mike sitting in front of the computer sometimes I get mad thinking, “He isn’t doing anything” haha but he is and he is doing a lot but when I’m mad… I can’t help it haha. 

Xavion is speaking Spanish super good... so good that he has been forgetting how to speak English. We now have the rule of only speaking English with mom and dad. He has really shown interest in cooking now. He says he wants to be a chef when he grows up.  He has expressed his interest in what he would like to learn. This includes cooking, skating, baseball, playing drums and guitar, and to learn how to do magic! Since we are trying to homeschool so they don’t stay too behind with English stuff, Mike takes the time to teach him baseball or skating once a week. We are really pushing on math and reading though. Xavion has shown to be pretty good at math.He is now working on multiplication with 3 digits and division. He is not very interested in reading though. He does a pretty good job when he really tries but the thing that keeps him from doing better is that he forgets what things are called so he makes up his own word and when we ask him what it means he has no idea... but he will get better!. 

Layla is doing better at school, she has not being getting out of class anymore which is very good. The teacher says she is paying more attention in class and focusing a little more as well. She was elected to be the vice president to represent her class in the school meetings. She likes to have the power! Everybody seems to know her, little kids to older kids and adults. Sometimes I have gone to places with her and people I don’t know just walk up to her and say “Hola Layla”. My first question is “how do you know my daughter” it’s inredible and sometimes annoying of how many people know her haha. She is still having trouble connecting with the kids here with the family though. These kids can be so mean and it’s very frustratinged sometimes to see their attitudes towards Layla and the things they do to her. Just a couple of weeks ago when we went to the orphanage (we are volunteers there once a month now) my nieces took all of her toys out of her playhouse and threw them away. Her little kitchen and house were full of dirt. I was so mad at them and I went to talk to their moms and the first thing they say was “they didn’t do it, it had to be somebody else” this answer made me even more mad. It’s sad how they automatically take the responsibility off their kids, they wouldn’t even take the time to ask their kids and find out if they had something to do with it.  When I went to pick my nieces up from school I talked to them, one of them said she had nothing to do with it. The other just put her head down and laughed. I just started crying and told them I knew they didn’t love my daughter and didn’t want to play with her but I was not going to allow them to do the things they were doing to her. They had no right to touch her stuff and I wanted them to clean her kitchen and go find all of Layla’s toys as soon as they got home. When we got home in front of their moms they started acting offended by me talking to them but I asked them then if they had something to do with it. That’s when they said who had told them to do it and who else was involved. Their moms said nothing when they heard them confess. It’s very annoying to see how parents treat their kids here. They think they feel that if they get after their kids for doing something bad its not showing them love. So, their kids always get away with anything because parents don’t care. We have also been judged by how we always get after our kids, how we always send them in time out, how we don’t give them a snack if they don’t eat their food, how we make sure they apologize and correct their mistakes. They say we are very strict with them, and some have even said that we don’t love them…. It’s all very stressful and sometimes I wish to not be so close to my family but we are here so we are just working and not paying much attention to all said because it just takes our good spirit away. For now, we have been working with Layla in not caring much for what other kids do to her and I have taught her that when she wants to say something mean about someone else to just sing “Let it go” it’s her favorite song after all :D. Layla wants to learn gymnastics, dancing, karate, Portuguese, tennis, singing and guitar. We wish we could find classes of these available here in Huehue so she can go to some but nothing. We found a lady who was going to give her dancing but then the lady changed her mind of pricing so we decided not to do it anymore and the only other option I would have to take her in every day and that just seems too much to deal with right now. She is still very enthusiastic and never runs out of energy NEVER!

Colton’s new favorite word is “NO”, he uses is all the time but especially when I say “it’s time to take a shower”… I’m pretty sure he knows what the word “No" means when it comes to taking a bath haha. Well he should be staying in nursery now at church but it’s a big challenge trying to leave him with someone who is not his mom.  He only sees the classroom door and starts to scream his head off but he is super happy sitting in primary!. He is such a TEASER!!!! He is really really Mike’s son haha. Sometimes he pretends he is going to give me something and right when I’m about to close my mouth he pulls it out and sticks it in his mouth and says hehe mama. The other day he drank my soda, when I noticed he had already put the can in the trash can when I asked him where my soda was he looked at me and said hehe mama and pointed at the trash can haha. He has really started to care for others, he is always making sure he is sharing and loves to help out in sweeping (he has his own broom now because he really loves to do so), he loves to help me soak all the dirty clothes, helps mike in working in the yard. He is very independent, he now wants to undress and dress himself and takes his own shower. We both shower at the same time and he always wants to wash me off too lol. The other day we went into the bathroom, after going potty both of us I stood up from the toilet and when I noticed he was wiping my butt lol. He loves his daddy, is funny how he always takes away everything I have and when mike is eating something he is ok with just a bite, but when Colton has something all he wants to do is share with Mike and will ask anybody for extra stuff so he can give some to Mike. He is very interested in magic now, he is hilarious at trying to hide something. His new trick is he passes the object from hand to hand then throws it on the floor and asks you to guess which hand the object is, of course is not in his hands and this is so funny to him because then he makes it appear! Lol. He is also crazy about spider man and Lighting Mcqueen. All he wants to wear is his spider man shirts, as soon as they are clean they go back on him he will not let me put something else on when he sees that his spider man shirt is clean. 

I’m doing okay, getting through the final weeks of pregnancy is always tough. Just last week I had an appointment with the Dr. and he says everything looks good with Maya. I have been doing my shots and other medications and now I got a hernia I have to take care of too so extra medication yay!... My energy is not very good and now I have more work to do than I did in AZ. Washing the clothes by hand is probably one of the bigger ones that I have to do and requires lots of energy so on the days that i wash I'm pretty much done for the day. I have been trying to wash every day so i don't spend too much time doing all the laundry on one day. Layla is really helping by washing all the socks and little clothes so she has been a great helper. 

Here is Colton pleading to take pictures with his siblings haha

Something this crazy kid loves is to take pics, he says "mama photo" and he starts posing for it. Its so funny to see what poses he comes up with.  Here is our latest photo session :D


Can you tell how much he likes water??

Lately all he wants to eat is beans, if there are no beans there will be a huge fit about it. so..... my mom always has beans in her kitchen :D

 Colton can take the kids down anytime, anywhere haha

He also loves this baby girl, I think he will be great with Maya

so this is where we find Layla everytime we cant find her, sometimes we forget and we go looking for her everywhere until she finally laughs and let us find her ... 

We have a bunch of pictures of Colton because he is always doing silly things like this one haha.

He also loves to help, he always wants to do what his dad does, I really hope he wont change because he is such a great helper in everything, he always helps me sweep, mop, soak the clothes, he sees something on the floor that does not belongs there he picks it up and put it away without me asking!
I looooooove that!!

 This is a pic I took of my grandpa the day he passed away. This was a Sunday morning, Saturday he had had a really bad day so Sunday morning I asked Mike to please take Xavion and Layla to church and let me stay home so I could spend time with grandpa and see if i could do anything for him. He woke up much better, I fed him breakfast then i took him for a walk on his wheelchair. We talked the whole time and he kept telling everybody along the way that he hadn't think he was going to wake up anymore after the bad day he had yesterday but that he was feeling so much better. We were all so happy to see him like that! When we came back from our walked I helped my aunt shower him, shaved him and we called my cousin to come cut his hair. I saw him so much better that i started taking picture of him with my grandma and Colton.  He then decided he wanted to take a nap. That was the last time we talked to him, he went into comma around noon, everybody thought he was just sleeping and even my cousin's husband who is a nurse came to check on him and told everybody he was doing great that he was just tired... but i knew it was the end. I didn't tell anybody what i was thinking though. Around 5 pm all the family got together and that's when everything started to get real, he almost choked with his blood and then threw it up.  Around 6:45pm my uncle asked Mike to help him give him a blessing, it was a beautiful blessing, with all of our heart we prayed that he wouldn't suffer anymore. My grandpa died at 7 PM. We missed him very much, every morning Colton would go say hi to him and he stills asks for Nano all the time. We still can't believe how fast his death happened but we are happy he wasn't in pain for too long. 

See you all next time :D